
In interviews, panels and inspiring keynotes, we will be exploring the following topics

This event will be presented by Carolin Wagner, STATION.

In parallel to the programme, there will be a cyber speed dating event with Israeli start-ups and our partners and sponsors.  
We will partly provide simultaneous translation for our English-speaking guests during the German presentations. 

Registration for our Event in Frankfurt

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Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Support.
Participation fee

The participation fee per person for the event "Future Talks – Cyber, Tech & Trust“ including business lunch, refreshments and the subsequent get-together is €400 (incl. VAT). After receipt of your registration you will receive a confirmation of registration and an invoice.  It is of course possible for a registered participant to be represented by a substitute, Please note that the number of participants for the event is limited. Registrations will be considered in the order in which they are received.  If you have entered a voucher, it will be taken into account when the invoice is created. 



Ulrich Caspar
Ulrich Caspar
Präsident @ Industrie- und Handelskammer Frankfurt am Main
Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus
Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus
Hessische Ministerin für Digitalisierung und Innovation (angefragt)
Jan Hörnemann
Jan Hörnemann
Prokurist & COO @ Aware7
Christian Goldmann
Christian Goldmann
Head of Horizontal Cybersecurity - Region Germany @ Siemens AG
Dominik Mauer
Dominik Mauer
Analyst und Kooperationsmanager @ Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), Abteilung Cybercrime
Oliver Schneider, M.Sc.
Oliver Schneider, M.Sc.
Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter/Managing Director @ RiskWorkers
Refael Franco
Refael Franco
Founder und CEO @ Code Blue by Dussmann
Florian Weh
Florian Weh
Hauptgeschäftsführer Arbeitgeberverband MOVE/ Verhandlungsführer Deutsche Bahn
Hans-Peter Fischer
Hans-Peter Fischer
Senior Managing Director, Cybersecurity @ FTI Consulting
Prof. Dr. Haya Schulmann
Prof. Dr. Haya Schulmann
Professor of computer science @ Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Thilo Schönleber, LL.M.
Thilo Schönleber, LL.M.
Head of Cyber @ MRH Trowe
Oliver Delvos
Oliver Delvos
Head of International @ Corvus Insurance
David da Torre
David da Torre
Geschäftsführer @ COUNT + CARE - ein Unternehmen der ENTEGA AG und der Mainzer Stadtwerke AG.
Andrea Kotter
Andrea Kotter
Vice President Cyber @ Finlex
Dr. Hauke Hansen
Dr. Hauke Hansen
Partner, Experte für Cybersecurity, IT-Recht und Datenschutz @ FPS
Mirco Pinske
Mirco Pinske
Geschäftsführer @ Südwestfalen-IT (SIT)
Marek Stiefenhofer
Marek Stiefenhofer
Geschäftsführer, CTO @ r-tec Cyber Security
Janka Kreißl
Janka Kreißl
Senior Consultant @ Krisenkommunikation | DUNKELBLAU
Lars Kroll
Lars Kroll
Cyber Security Strategist, Geschäftsführer @ Kroll Strategieberatung
Wolfgang Straßer
Wolfgang Straßer
Vorstand für Cyber und Cybersecurity der D-I-W I Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter @ @-yet GmbH und @-yet Industrial IT Security GmbH
Kai-Erik Lyck
Kai-Erik Lyck
Senior Business Development Manager @ Eye Security
Arwid Zang
Arwid Zang
Founder, Speaker, Autor @ Greenhats
Dr. Christoph Süßenberger
Dr. Christoph Süßenberger
Partner, Experte für IT-Recht, Cybersecurity und Datenschutz @ FPS
Dr. Nina Jarass Cohen
Dr. Nina Jarass Cohen
Partner, Head of Israel Desk @ FPS
Carolin Wagner
Carolin Wagner
Moderatorin und Co-Founder @ STATION FrankfurtRheinMain

Many thanks to our partners and sponsors!

Gold partner

Silver sponsors

With the kind support of


Insights from last years


Your contact persons and organizer

Orly Herlich
Project Management FPS
T +49 69 95957-506 

Michael Fuhrmann
International Business CCI Frankfurt
T +49 69 2197-1435 









Future Talks - Cyber, Tech & Trust 

4. September, 9:00 - 17:00 Uhr (MESZ)